scepticism. I’m as gullible by inclination as anyone—I too love a good ghost story. But sometimes rational analysis kicks in and presses the “BS alert” button. Hard. Perhaps it’s the subconscious working 24/7 on my behalf (and I thought them CIA types were paranoid?!).


at this image below. The accompanying story says it was found in some deceased French aristocrat’s collection of plates from WW1, etc etc. (Probably in the cupboard under the stairs—you get the picture.)

This one is the first in line, I haven’t even glanced at any of the others yet ‘cos I just wanted to bleat my gut reaction to it:

Authentic Or Bust

—you’d have to actually go there and see it bigger. My discomfort stems mainly from that OOPART (Out Of Place Artefact) namely one in number bust of someone or other (and who cares whom)?  I too have Photoshop (okay, only Elements, but why split hairs) and am still learning how to drive it … but that bust looks … Photoshopped.


it may be something to do with the quality of the lighting, or even the angle of presentation—to me it seems that human nature dictates that one’s lovely bust should be greeting any visitors to one’s dug-out square on; but anyone bimbling down that ramp with a song in his heart and trill on his lips would see it at an angle. No? Or is it like one of those pictures with the subject looking square out such that no matter where you go in the room it’s looking right at you? And the ‘soil’ at its point of contact with the ground. Brrrr.

Either way it’s for you to ponder, or not—I’m off to look at the rest of ’em. And yes, the picture is an active link to source. Enjoy …


